6:30-7:20 am Get up and get the kids ready for school/get mommy ready for the gym
7:30-7:45 am Slow down the car and push the kids out the door at school
8:00-9:00 am Go to the gym/workout - this is essential to plan into your day for your own well-being (so that you aren't sobbing as you try to squeeze into that business suit from pre-baby days)! Do it!!
9:00-9:45 am Home from the gym to shower (conditioning hair while stretching muscles a la Mrs. Rock-star's wife and movie star mom)
9:45-1:15 pm WORK: work on blog, work on networking, work on resume! 3 1/2 hours - DO NOT MULTI-TASK! - no house cleaning, laundry, errand running - only working!)
1:15-2:15 pm Volunteer activities and being involved at school (or whatever you are passionate about)
2:15-5:15 pm Kids are home from school: help with homework, fix healthy snacks (or throw goldfish at them), have playdates, extra-curricular activities, etc. Try to engage the kids... try not to play words with friends... resist urge to allow children to watch hours of TV.
5:30-6:00 pm Fix dinner (see our "For Meals on the Fly" on the sidebar or just have the local fishmonger deliver as GOOP suggests)
6:00-6:30 pm Eat dinner together as a family (pour first glass of wine)
6:30-7:30 pm Clean up and get the kids ready for bed (pour second glass of wine while children are bathing)
7:30-8:00 pm Check emails (make sure there aren't any important messages) and make To-Do list for following day
8:00-10:00 pm Grown-up time. Whether it's Couple-time, Friend-time, or Me-time - make sure to schedule at least one night of each this week!
10:00 pm Bedtime
Notice that we haven't built in specific time slots for house clean-up, laundry, errands, grocery shopping, dishwasher emptying...yep, we're curious to see how that's going to shake out too - husbands, maybe?
Anyone else out there ready to take the challenge with us??!!
Sooo...I'm confused. Should I do the "normal" things that I do around the house when I'm not traveling, or should I not do anything and leave it all to you, as the challenge suggests?
ReplyDeleteYou should continue as normal, and allow me the opportunity to rave about my fabulously helpful husband (or not) as the case might be...