Kim and I both believe that the BIG experiment was a great test of how we will spend our days once we go back to work. It was a wonderful learning experience, both about us, and our families. Here is what I have learned:
A blog is a wonderful way to get your husband to do stuff around the house without being asked. Not only are they afraid of what we'll write if they don't help out, but they can see exactly what needs to be done because we write it in the blog!
I am going to make a point of teaching my children to be more independent and work on a schedule. If I need to get up in the morning and take a shower while they are getting ready (and I don't want to wake up earlier) then they are going to have to learn to get ready without my constant reminders. Likewise, I am going to have to come up with a system so that they can do their chores without being reminded. Hmmm, a blog maybe?!
My house is a bit messier than I like to see it. It isn't as bad as I expected, but I am going to have to lighten up a bit. If I truly want to keep my weekends free from household chores, like laundry, I am going to have to make a point of doing them in the evenings during the week, and engaging the kids in helping after school.
I am out of milk. I am going to have to learn to plan out my weekly meals and grocery shop. Grocery store trips are pushed by the wayside during the week... I'm gonna have to buck up and do this on Saturday, same as everyone else. I am not too happy about this prospect.
I am out of wine... nuff said.
I didn't get my workouts in everyday as planned. This was one of my biggest fears about going back to work, and it turns out it is well-founded. I will have to work harder at scheduling this in, be more flexible with my workout routine, let go of a little guilt.
I am going to need to say "no" to some of those volunteer activities. One thing I feel good about is that I am better at gauging my time when I am on a schedule. Unfortunately, I have overcommitted and need to let some things go to find a balance.
Multi-tasking: Those little "oh, I'll just start a load of laundry quickly before I sit down to work" moments really add up to a big time suck. The more distractions I allow myself to have, the more time that gets shaved off of my day, and my productivity actually suffers.
I am amazed at how much my family has pulled through this week. The kids are aware that I have other responsibilities than just being mommy now. But I don't think that they felt abandoned or unloved. I did make a point of planning playdates and spending time with them, which made me feel good, and although it was less time than I normally spend with them, it was higher quality time.
I think I'm gonna keep the schedule going!
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